WYE MILLS – Upper Shore government organizations hoping to fill budgeted positions will gather at Chesapeake College for a regional job fair on Thursday, September 21, from 2 to 6 pm in the Health Professions and Athletics Center (HPAC).
This free event will feature regional government employers interested in filling vacant positions. It is expected that all five Upper Shore county governments (Kent, QAC, Caroline, Talbot, and Dorchester) will participate along with many municipalities, and state agencies hiring on the Upper Shore.
The fair is sponsored by the Upper Shore Workforce Investment Board (USWIB) and Chesapeake College.
“The area job market is still excellent on the Upper Shore, and our local governments are looking for both part-time and full-time candidates with all levels of experience,” said Daniel Schneckenburger, Executive Director of the Upper Shore Workforce Investment Board. “With the current low unemployment, it is a great opportunity for local governments that need to fill immediate vacancies that historically are not available, and for job seekers who want to work in the public sector.”
Representatives from various programs at Chesapeake College, the USWIB, and Maryland Department of Labor will also be on hand to discuss workforce training options, some of which are eligible for grant funding.
“Chesapeake College is the hub for economic development in our service area and we’re pleased to bring government employers and job candidates together for this event,” said Chesapeake College President Cliff Coppersmith. “We work closely with our local government partners, and adapt our programs to prepare our students for successful employment. Our partnerships with government leaders help ensure the economic health of the Eastern Shore.”
For more information, contact elafrankie@chesapeake.edu.