Talbot County Welcomes a New Player in the Aquaculture Industry: Ferry Cove Shellfish
It’s a simple concept really. The oyster industry is not producing enough larvae to meet the demand in the marketplace, and Ferry…

A Community Draws Together
We often focus on the numbers when reviewing how the community has dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic – numbers tested and…

Planting a Better Eastern Shore
All the world seems to be blooming as we march into April, which naturally causes our thoughts to turn to plants—and the…

New Grant Programs for Small Businesses
Thanks to the RELIEF Act of 2021, a number of new grant programs funded by the State of Maryland are being rolled…
Maryland Commerce Ready to Support Local Nonprofits
The Maryland Department of Commerce is accepting applications from nonprofit organizations seeking short-term operational support. The Nonprofit, Interest-Free, Micro Bridge Loan Account…