Talbot County Welcomes a New Player in the Aquaculture Industry: Ferry Cove Shellfish
It’s a simple concept really. The oyster industry is not producing enough larvae to meet the demand in the marketplace, and Ferry…

Salisbury University Releases Results of Eastern Shore Business Sentiment Survey
Eastern Shore business owners and managers are optimistic about the economic outlook over the next 12 months, though their enthusiasm has waned…

At Your Fingertips: List of Local Vaccine and Testing Sites
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration may have withdrawn the vaccine requirement for companies with 100 or more…

Jobs Report – February
Employers are hiring in Talbot County. Check out these jobs or pass them along to a friend. The future is bright in…

COVID Q & A Show Launches for Delmarva
As Covid Rates across the region continue to skyrocket the Avalon Foundation and Choptank Community Health have partnered together again to connect…

New Hotspots Available Free for Citizens Without Internet Access
The Talbot County Free Library has 50 new hotspots to help library patrons connect to the internet, thanks to funding from the…

Talbot County Invites Nominations for Community Impact Awards
The Talbot County Economic Development Commission is now accepting nominations for its 2021-2022 Community Impact Awards. Winners will be announced at the…

Regional Health Officials Request Employers Help to Reduce Strain on System
Regional county officials, including the emergency medical services (EMS) departments of Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne’s and Talbot counties, the chief clinical…

Talbot County’s Price Takes the Helm at MACo
“We speak with one voice,” Laura Price told the audience gathered at the Maryland Association of County’s Winter Conference inaugural banquet on…

Home Sales Expected to Remain Strong in 2022
Demand for homes continues to outmatch inventory, indicating that the market for real estate will remain strong on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.…